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Products for Chefs > Smoked Salmon > London Cure Smoked Salmon - Pre-sliced side

London Cure Smoked Salmon - Pre-sliced side

London Cure Smoked Salmon - Pre-sliced side

Top quality Grade One salmon. Harvested in Scottish lochs it arrives at the smokehouse within 48 hours of harvest.
Delicately smoked using the London Cure process - no added sugar, just the freshest salmon, rock salt and a little smoke

This side will be pin boned, the pellicle removed and the salmon will be sliced into long slices down the length of the fish and laid back onto the skin.  All the slices are interleaved for easy decanting.

The trimmings will be sent with your side - perfect for making pates and terrines

Call 0208 5252 399 to speak to our experts.

Great on a plate

Great on a plate - London Cure Smoked Salmon - Pre-sliced side

London Cure Smoked Salmon - Pre-sliced side

Approximate weight 1.3kg


Salmon (FISH), Salt, Oak Smoke. Allergens in capital letters

